In partnership with our local primary schools and other Deanery parishes (except for Our Lady of Mount Carmel & St Matthew’s, Kilmarnock who follow a separate program) we run the Do This In Memory programme for children in primary 4 who are preparing for the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist. This programme runs from the autumn through to May of the following year when the children make their First Eucharist.
The children participate in Masses on several weekends throughout the year where they are invited to be a part of the liturgy – answering questions on the Gospel as part of their preparations, and being present as a visible witness and visible part of the community.
In addition, the children are encouraged to take part in two retreat days, one just prior to Confirmation, and the other just prior to First Eucharist. These retreat days are intended to allow the children to reflect on what they’ve learnt at home and in school as part of their preparations and to reinforce it in their minds, thereby ensuring that they fully understand the sacrament they are about to receive.
This year’s Do This In Memory programme dates can be found here.